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On June 21, 2019, our faculty and collaborators published three articles on ruminant genomes in Science, which were featured as cover story.


On February 5, 2021, our faculty and collaborators published two articles revealing the genetic basis of vertebrate water-to-land transition in Cell, which were featured as cover story.



On September 26, 2020, the research achievements of professor Wangwen "ruminant genome evolution and its enlightenment to human health" was rated as top 10 scientific advances in life sciences of China. This study elucidates the mechanism of ruminant evolution and extreme environmental adaptation, and has important implications for the research of organ regeneration, anti-tumor, rhythm disorders and osteoporosis.




On November 25, 2021, our faculty and collaborators collaborated with the Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to complete the study published in the international journal Nature Communications, entitled "Molecular mechanisms and topological consequences of drastic chromosomal rearrangements of muntjac deer".


Since 2016, Our faculty and collaborators have published 77 papers in classic international academic journals such as Science (3 papers), Science Advances (2 papers), Nature Ecology Evolution (2 papers), Nature Communications (2 papers). Among them, 36 papers from the first area of The Chinese Academy of Sciences and 17 papers from the second area. Among them, there are 3 ESI highly cited papers and 1 hot paper. A total of 138 SCI papers have been published.

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Postal code:710129

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